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7 Ways You Can Improve Your Relationship Today

Relationships are meant to evolve, which means there’s always something that can be improved in your relationship.

Despite what Disney movies may portray, no relationship is perfect, and that’s the truth. Even if you’re in the best relationship of your life, you two still have to do some maintenance now and again. Relationships are meant to evolve, which means there’s always something that can be improved in your relationship. You don’t have to wait for things to go wrong in your relationship to start improving it. Instead it’s better if you look for ways to strengthen your relationship every day in preparation for life’s unexpected challenges. Here are seven ways you can make your relationship stronger today.

1. Remind yourself why you love them. If you find yourself taking your partner for granted, take a step back and recall why you fell in love with them in the first place. When you’ve been with someone for a while, it’s easy to overlook them at times. Pause, and remember why you’re grateful for them.

2. Discover your partner’s love language. Understanding how your partner best receives and gives love is world-changing. The way you’ve been showing love might not be the way your partner likes to receive love, so it’s best to take the test and find out.

3. Ask more questions. Don’t be quick to jump to conclusions. In this day and age, it’s easy for things to get lost in translation. Instead of making assumptions, just ask your partner more questions for clarification. Conflict is often caused by miscommunication that could have been cleared up if you’d only asked more questions.

4. Have regular check-ins. Once a month, once a year, or whatever works best for you two, schedule a time to check in with one another and see how each other feels about the relationship. This meeting is an excellent time to discuss goals, what’s working, and what’s not working in the relationship.

5. Be intentional about being present. Turn off your phone. It makes such a difference when you’re deliberate about being in the moment together. Try leaving your phones in the other room the next time you have dinner at home together.

6. Schedule more date nights. Date nights are what keeps that relationship spark alive! If you want to have better communication with one another, a stronger connection, and better intimacy, don’t skip date night.

7. Be more thoughtful. It’s the little things that count. Try to think of small ways that you could be more considerate towards your partner. Surprising them with flowers or making their lunch for work are examples of small things you can do that will make your partner’s day!

Be proactive about working on your relationship now so that if things were to hit the fan later, you already have a good foundation of trust and commitment to fall back on. Even if you’ve been together for a while and things are going smoothly, you’d be surprised at how quickly doing these daily small tasks can change your relationship for the better!