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Be Free, Be Kind   

When you think “someone should do something,” you are the someone.

This year has been a difficult year for most of us due to the pandemic. Our world, our routine has changed, so:

Help Others

No Activity gives more satisfaction. It liberates; it hints at our higher purpose. It brings us all closer together. When you think “someone should do something” you are the someone. However small, however insignificant it may seem, it does make a difference.

Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you. – Mother Teresa

Hug a Lot

A Hug stands alone. It doesn’t even need words, although the right ones add to it immensely. Hugging heals. It transfers love and hope. A single hug can change a life.

The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost – G.K. Chesterton