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 • Relationships  • Family. Friends. Self

Family. Friends. Self

It can be a challenge to find family fun that appeases everyone.

Family, Friends, and Self. These three areas are defined so differently. Having a teenage daughter, pre-teen son, an 85-pound giant schnauzer puppy, and a husband that enjoys outdoor activities, it’s a challenge to find family fun that appeases everyone. At this age, with these dynamics, one can only hope that behind the complaining and bickering there is a secret joy to gathering together. Our Family activities are always the same: camping, rafting, skiing on the west coast, hiking in a state and national park, and enjoying much sun in Florida or the Caribbean, something for everyone. Good conversation while grabbing a lite bite with friends is what i enjoy, and if I can find a moment of silence in the day to close my eyes that’s all I need.