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Success! Fit & Fab, Now What?

What I needed a consistent, fitness routine and professional intervention…

Over the years, I’ve done my share of different exercises: Crossfit, pole dancing, step aerobics, going to the gym at work with a print out of exercises, walking,   yoga, kick boxing,  TRX, hip hop dance, and the list goes on…these classes did yield some results; however, for me at age 38 my weight started to become a roller coaster. As my pants got tighter and I has to start leaving restaurants with my pants unbuttoned, I realized I needed a consistent, fitness routine, I could no longer do my own thing, what I needed was a professional intervention, someone to hold me accountable. In March, a friend invited me to try a group session with her personal trainer. I was sore for weeks, but the transformation has been quite rewarding.

So where do I go from here?

The only place I can go – to a consistent maintenance routine. I’ve got to put in routine work to keep fit and maintain the level of fitness that I’ve achieved. Here’s a video of me doing just that. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary.